How Important is Web Design

Our newest employee and resident SEO and social media guru, Rachel Pradhan called this to my attention. There’s a new feature in Google that makes it even more important to have a well designed website: the instant preview function. Here’s an example…

1. Search for something in, and click on magnifying glass on the right-hand side of the link

2. Up pops a preview of the website – as you move your mouse down the page, you’ll see the previews of the other sites

3. If you don’t see the magnifying glass, then go back to the main Google page, and click the link “New! Peek at the pages in your search result with Instant Previews” and do the search again.

Example you can use in presentations:

By the way, The Rubin Group, is #1 for “bar restaurant insurance ny” and is also one of Agency Tsunami clients.

Here are some quick tips…

1. It’s important that graphics be relevant as well as easily and quickly convey the message of the business

2. The site needs to be quick and easy to load, or it may not have a complete preview in Google. That means out with Flash sites, which are horrible for SEO anyway. 

3. The instant preview requires a click, so it’s important that the Meta Description is enticing.

4. Page headers and headlines need to be descriptive as they may be the only text people can read on the instant previews.

Keep an eye out for Rachel’s new blog coming soon.